Exodus Begins? BuddyPress Lead Developer Quits WordPress Altogether
Mathieu Viet, the driving force behind BuddyPress, has made a heartfelt announcement: he’s stepping away from the WordPress ecosystem…entirely.
Mathieu Viet, the driving force behind BuddyPress, has made a heartfelt announcement: he’s stepping away from the WordPress ecosystem…entirely.
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A couple of weeks ago, I talked about the new and growing fight between Automattic/Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine. Back then, the two were mainly trading words, and dueling cease and desist letters. However, the scope seems to be continuing to expand, including WP Engine filing an actual lawsuit against Matt Mullenweg and Automattic. Share…
Les essais pénétrométriques dynamiques Une méthode essentielle en géotechnique Dans le domaine des études géotechniques, l’évaluation des caractéristiques des sols est une étape cruciale pour garantir la stabilité et la sécurité des ouvrages de construction. Parmi les méthodes les plus utilisées, on trouve les essais pénétrométriques dynamiques, encadrés par la norme NF EN ISO 22476-2….
The Gutenberg block editor has close to 100 default blocks available for use. However, there are still situations where you might want to add a feature to your post that’s simply not available via the default blocks. That’s where custom HTML comes to the rescue! In this quick guide, I’m going to show you how…
While overall opinions on the Gutenberg editor vary, even the naysayers can’t deny that there are so many elements you can add now with just the core WordPress blocks that you couldn’t before. One of those elements is a background cover image. Not only is there a dedicated « cover block » solely made for this purpose,…
Le changement climatique a un impact direct sur les conditions géologiques et la stabilité des sols, rendant les études géotechniques plus importantes que jamais. Les événements météorologiques extrêmes, tels que les sécheresses, les pluies torrentielles, et les inondations, se multiplient en France, exacerbant les problèmes de stabilité des sols comme le retrait-gonflement des argiles, l’érosion,…
While the web buzzes with anxiety about AI taking our jobs or achieving consciousness, real artificial intelligence systems have already been making life-altering decisions about healthcare, housing, and basic human rights – often with devastating consequences.In this article I’m going to examine three real-life cases where AI systems destroyed thousands of lives. Then I’ll share…