Exodus Begins? BuddyPress Lead Developer Quits WordPress Altogether
Mathieu Viet, the driving force behind BuddyPress, has made a heartfelt announcement: he’s stepping away from the WordPress ecosystem…entirely.
Mathieu Viet, the driving force behind BuddyPress, has made a heartfelt announcement: he’s stepping away from the WordPress ecosystem…entirely.
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While overall opinions on the Gutenberg editor vary, even the naysayers can’t deny that there are so many elements you can add now with just the core WordPress blocks that you couldn’t before. One of those elements is a background cover image. Not only is there a dedicated « cover block » solely made for this purpose,…
Last Monday, Mary Hubbard wrote her first P2 message announcing her one-hour Q&A call on Friday. The Zoom event was announced on the Make WordPress Slack channel, and 82 people showed up, including Matt Mullenweg. Share via: Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn More
Over the past month, we ran a survey here on WPShout to explore how users perceive the voice and tone of the WordPress brand. We received 222 responses from engaged members of the WordPress community. First off, I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to participate and share their thoughts! Share via: Facebook…
While the web buzzes with anxiety about AI taking our jobs or achieving consciousness, real artificial intelligence systems have already been making life-altering decisions about healthcare, housing, and basic human rights – often with devastating consequences.In this article I’m going to examine three real-life cases where AI systems destroyed thousands of lives. Then I’ll share…
One of the most popular control panels that many hosting companies rely on is cPanel. If you have cPanel hosting and you’re starting to hit your storage limits then you need to learn how to remove large files from your database. This quick 3-minute guide will explain it to you. Share via: Facebook X (Twitter)…
Les essais pénétrométriques dynamiques Une méthode essentielle en géotechnique Dans le domaine des études géotechniques, l’évaluation des caractéristiques des sols est une étape cruciale pour garantir la stabilité et la sécurité des ouvrages de construction. Parmi les méthodes les plus utilisées, on trouve les essais pénétrométriques dynamiques, encadrés par la norme NF EN ISO 22476-2….